Well, if anyone knows how to do an endurance run, Gary's got some experience in that area... and his recovery from this accident is definitely going to go in the book next to "Badwater", "6-Day Racing", and "Having my Arm Cut Off".
All that to say, Gary is still at home and keeps getting better, but it's a slow process and he definitely appreciates your faithful support!
- Bones still broken: the doc says he has to wear the back brace for at least 6 more weeks, and there's a broken rib floating around somewhere (I'll get a copy of that x-ray up soon if I can).
- Kidney and liver: after blood and urine tests today, the doc ordered a CAT scan for tomorrow, so let's hope it's nothing serious.
- Nervous system: Gary has had 3 episodes with something like a pinched nerve, causing him to lose balance and feel an "electric shock". Two of these were while in the hospital, but the third happened on Saturday when he was out with Gabor, and so he is going to see a neuro-specialist to have this checked out.
BUT, all things considered, Gary's doing pretty well. The doc says no work until December, but with all the blood tests and CAT scans, he's pretty busy. He still appreciates visits, calls, text messages, and emails, so let's keep him up to date on our lives while he's stuck at home!